Save the date of the next event on 15-16 December 2018,

a special focus on 19TH CENTURY italian guitar makers and repertoire, a trip into the intimate world of the saloon:

Two days of masterclass and conferences, meetings with collectionist and luthiers.


Masterclass for solo and chamber music with Duo MACCARI-PUGLIESE and lessons with Enrica SAVIGNI


An important moment to share information and talk with experts Lorenzo Frignani and Carlida Steffan


Course fee active: 120 € (2 lessons + perfoming class + #aCupOfTea) + 5 € (Risonanze membership card)

Passive: 15 €

+ 5 € (Risonanze membership card)


For more info write to:

Download the full programm here: 18_160_TTS_VOLANTINO_A5 (2)

APPLICATION FORM: IscrizioneTTSwinter18 Modulo tesseramento