One of Fernando Sor’s (1778-1839) masterpieces: Les Adieux op. 21.
Performed by Enrica Savigni for TouchTheSound PROJECT and GUITARMIND on an original instrument from around 1826, built in Paris by the luthier Renè Lacote.
Strings: Lamb Gut strings made according to the historical construction technique (research by the string maker Mimmo Peruffo of Vicenza – Aquila Corde).
Diameters in use and tension of the strings: as per historical documentation; silk bass covered according to the time (Mimmo Peruffo: ‘Mimmo Peruffo: ‘Le Corde per Chitarra tra il Settecento e l’Avvento del Nylon: Tipologie, tecniche manufatturiere e criteri di scelta’ Fronimo 2002).
Tuning reference text: Alexander John Hellis: ‘The history of musical pitch’, London 1880. Played with fingertips, a technique widely used in the 19th century.
Special Thanks to Aquila Corde, Gabriele Lodi and TouchTheSound.
Audio – video:
Dario Malucelli – GUITARMIND
In collaborations with: Gabriele Lodi, TouchTheSound project